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This is part of a series of Courses and workshops led by Helen D Evans suitable for all abilities.
This mini 2 week course focuses on using templates to make a sculptural hollowed out slab built form.
The first week will be spent making an adapted form out of clay using templates before applying a coloured slip. The second week you will explore carving a design into your clay form.
Your work will then be bisque fired off-site, a clear glaze applied and then re-fired. It will be ready to collect from Norden Farm generally about 6-8 weeks later.
Cost includes: clay, use of tools and materials, application of a clear glaze and 2x firing of your work.
You may want to bring with you:
Sketchbook for ideas / with ideas
Pens / Pencils / Ruler
A cloth to wipe your hands on
An apron
Any clay tools you may have
A plastic bag to store your work
Some thick card to make template
After the course.
We will arrange a date after the course for collection of work.
11am - 1.30pm
Fri 26 Jul and Fri 2 Aug
Led by Jim Maving
For novice guitarists who can string chords together, strum confidently and move between chords with some ease, to take the next steps. You will learn some classic songs, interesting chords, light music theory and the 12-bar blues.
These classes are split by skills level:
Beginners A - Recently completed the Absolute Beginners course but still some way to go. Yet to tackle bar chords and complicated rhythms.
Beginners B - Well on the way and able to do bar chords.
Beginners C - Almost Intermediate but not quite yet.
If you've never played guitar you need to book on the Absolute Beginners course!
Wed 11 Sept – 9 Oct (5 weeks)
Wed 16 Oct – 20 Nov, exc 23 Oct (5 weeks)
Wed 4 Dec – 18 Dec (3 weeks)
7pm - 8pm
£50 per 5 week course | £30 per 3 week course
This class will take place both in person and online via Zoom.
You will find the link to access the session in your booking confirmation email
Suitable for ages 18+ years.
This year’s concert is in aid of Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice.
WHY? A great night out for all the family with a wide variety of music; including songs from the shows, big band sounds, classics and Christmas music.
Courtyard Theatre
Led by Jim Maving
For novice guitarists who can string chords together, strum confidently and move between chords with some ease, to take the next steps. You will learn some classic songs, interesting chords, light music theory and the 12-bar blues.
These classes are split by skills level:
Beginners A - Recently completed the Absolute Beginners course but still some way to go. Yet to tackle bar chords and complicated rhythms.
Beginners B - Well on the way and able to do bar chords.
Beginners C - Almost Intermediate but not quite yet.
If you've never played guitar you need to book on the Absolute Beginners course!
Wed 11 Sept – 9 Oct (5 weeks)
Wed 16 Oct – 20 Nov, exc 23 Oct (5 weeks)
Wed 4 Dec – 18 Dec (3 weeks)
8.30pm - 9.30pm
£50 per 5 week course | £30 per 3 week course
This class will take place both in person and online via Zoom.
You will find the link to access the session in your booking confirmation email
Suitable for ages 18+ years.
Led by Mairi Cowieson
Showstopper Tots Musical Theatre themed music and movement classes for ages 2-5yrs. Younger siblings are welcome. Under 6 months free.
Sing, Dance and drive with us on our wonderfully fun and exciting Chitty Chitty Bang Bang theme. A magic car? One that flies? Don't forget to say 'Please Chitty' as we play our 'Toot Sweets' and find out how the dogs have ruined Mr Potts's chances of buying that Car! We will dance to 'Me Ol' Bamboo' and succeed in our mission to trick the Vulgarians, as we sing 'Chu-chi Face' and use excellent 'Teamwork'!
A class like no other! Little ones, dance, sing and enjoy a drama adventure, ending each class with our unique story show, in our mini theatre.
Building confidence, musicality, coordination, concentration, all through the wonderful world of Musical Theatre. Led by a professional West End performer and director.
Course 1:
Thur 9 Jan - 13 Feb (6 weeks)
Course 2:
Thur 27 Feb - 3 Apr (6 weeks)
£48 for 6 week course (1 adult and 1 child)
£9 drop-in per session (1 adult and 1 child).
£5.40 drop-in per sibling per session
A story song is added to each week to enhance their engagement and concentration skills. It's also fun for the parents/carers who attend with their little ones.
Age guidance: 2-5 years
Led by Jim Maving
For novice guitarists who can string chords together, strum confidently and move between chords with some ease, to take the next steps. You will learn some classic songs, interesting chords, light music theory and the 12-bar blues.
These classes are split by skills level:
Beginners A - Recently completed the Absolute Beginners course but still some way to go. Yet to tackle bar chords and complicated rhythms.
Beginners B - Well on the way and able to do bar chords.
Beginners C - Almost Intermediate but not quite yet.
If you've never played guitar you need to book on the Absolute Beginners course!
Thur 12 Sept – 10 Oct (5 weeks)
Thur 17 Oct – 21 Nov, exc 24 Oct (5 weeks)
Thur 5 Dec – 19 Dec (3 weeks)
7pm - 8pm
£50 per 5 week course | £30 per 3 week course
This class will take place both in person and online via Zoom.
You will find the link to access the session in your booking confirmation email
Suitable for ages 18+ years.
Discover the enchantment of ballet with this sparkling festive treat for the whole family.
Join Clara at a delightful Christmas Eve party that becomes a magical adventure once everyone else is tucked up in bed. Marvel at the brilliance of Tchaikovsky’s score, as Clara and her enchanted Nutcracker fight the Mouse King and visit the Sugar Plum Fairy in the glittering Kingdom of Sweets. Peter Wright’s much-loved production for The Royal Ballet, with gorgeous period designs by Julia Trevelyan Oman, keeps true to the spirit of this festive ballet classic, combining the thrill of the fairy tale with spectacular dancing.
Courtyard Theatre Cinema
Running time: 127 minutes, one intervals
Royal Opera & Ballet's website
X Royal Opera House
Insta RoyalOperaHouse
Fb Royal Opera House
Led by Jim Maving
Play guitar but stuck in a rut? Want to play some notable songs and impress your friends? Then this is the course for you. Rediscover your 6-string and why you took it up originally.
Learn some classic songs as well as learning your pentationic scales, slide guitar and alternate tunings.
Thur 12 Sept – 10 Oct (5 weeks)
Thur 17 Oct – 21 Nov, exc 24 Oct (5 weeks)
Thur 5 Dec – 19 Dec (3 weeks)
8.30pm - 9.30pm
£50 per 5 week course | £30 per 3 week course
Alternative classes include:
If you've never played guitar you need to book on the Absolute Beginners course!
Beginners A - Recently completed the Absolute Beginners course but still some way to go. Yet to tackle bar chords and complicated rhythms.
Beginners B - Well on the way and able to do bar chords.
Beginners C - Almost Intermediate but not quite yet.
This class will take place both in person and online via Zoom.
You will find the link to access the session in your booking confirmation email
Suitable for 18+ years.
Led by Julie Potter
This class is suited to those who have been practising for at least 6. My intention for this class is to move our practise forward, explore different avenues and approaches to the traditional postures. We will be aiming to be going deeper into ‘awareness’ and ‘noticing’.
The yoga I teach is an evolution of over 20 years of practice and study, perhaps moving away from ‘external’ evaluation of the postures and moving towards an ‘internal’ sense of the postures, moving away from the more used traditional approach of systemised yoga to a more experiential approach. Whilst looking at traditional Hatha Yoga postures and pranayamas, I will be encouraging fun and freedom within the traditional structure, whilst taking into our awareness fundamental anatomical and functional aspects required by our bodies for maximum wellbeing benefits.
Please bring a blanket, a yoga / Pilates mat, and wear loose comfortable clothing.
Fri 10 Jan - 7 Feb (5 weeks)
Fri 14 Feb - 14 Mar (5 weeks)
Fri 21 Mar - 25 Apr (5 weeks)
11am - 12.15pm
£12 per session | £50 per 5 week course
This class will take place both in person and online via Zoom.
You will find the link to access the session in your booking confirmation email
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