Vincent Ray, Yorkshire born of Irish descent, is a self-taught painter who only started to paint at the age of 40.
Vincent was inspired by the landscape of his birth county and Ireland as well as scenes from paintings in larger galleries. He loved colour and his skies are dramatic. Occasionally, he would paint some figures and these were predominantly in the style of Lowry.
Vincent's artistic journey started with a gifted set of watercolours before he graduated to oils for a short time, but, as he was painting at the kitchen table, was persuaded to take up acrylics. Later he had a studio built in the garden.
He loved going to art galleries in Cork Street, London, looking at the art on display and chatting to the dealers.
This is a posthumous exhibition of his work presented by his wife.
Tues 17 - Sat 28 Sept
Free Entry
Seemingly born with a paintbrush in hand, self-taught, internationally selling, local artist Laura Hol, brings her latest exhibition Living Life in Colour to Maidenhead.
When the UK is sometimes 50 shades of grey Hol’s use of colour is like a well needed vacation at home. Her vivid and optimistic contemporary landscapes, trees, architectural art and inspiring travel destinations offer a new take on the ordinary.
Look at how any place feels and it may be more colourful than you think…
Wed 2 Oct - Wed 16 Oct
Free Entry
We are delighted to present the fifth Maidenhead Schools: Art, Design and Photography Exhibition showcasing the work made by the students from Maidenhead schools.
Tues 22 Oct - Sat 9 Nov
Free Entry